As it was obviously too large for any sentient being to design, an ai the size of a star and powered by the dark side of the force used fractals to optimize the design of the ship. The way the ship was designed was very interesting. Although the galaxy had to weather 14 civil wars and 3 extra-galactic invasions it only barely managed to stave off due to Palpatine's elite force of young plucky heroes, the ship was populated after only 93 years, 7 years ahead of schedule!

When it was completed in the early 43rd millennium of it's construction the 2052nd Reborn Ultra-Order noticed that it's minimum crew requirement was around 10 times that of the total population of the galaxy at the time, thus they implemented a new program by which every 2 sentients had to contribute 1 crew member per year for a century in order to crew the ship. Palpatine's 2032nd Reborn Order was ordered to build quote "A really big ship for a really big Emperor who has very large genitalia." Thus they sent their fleets of billions of Super Ultra Mega Star Forge Devastators to collect the required amounts of energy and materials, and constructed the Super Terminator Ultra Photon Invincible Destroyer Class Super Star Super Destroyer (STUPIDCSSSD) in orbit around the Coruscant system, although after the 4th millennia of construction the system's star, and by extension the whole system, started to orbit the ship itself. Super Terminator Ultra Photon Invincible Destroyer Class Super Star Super Destroyer 6 Standard Imperial Exploitable Weakness.