Call of chernobyl misery
Call of chernobyl misery

call of chernobyl misery

It does resemble, however, the newest MICH-2000 helmet used by the U.S.

  • Despite being made after Western helmets, it does not incorporate the German World War II style (also known as "Fritz" style) used by modern combat helmets utilized by both American and NATO countries.
  • call of chernobyl misery

  • The in-game description says this helmet lacks camouflage, however the inventory icon and in-game model do not correspond this.
  • call of chernobyl misery

  • Despite being a Western type helmet, every Spetsnaz soldier that wears a Berill-5M armoured suit uses this helmet in all three games.
  • It can be upgraded to a 'second generation' NVG, which can be made more useful still by adding an Infrared Scanner, allowing the player see hostile humans on the minimap when close. Only Nitro can install the final NVG upgrades and only Novikov can install the appropriate anomaly protection upgrades.
  • Can be bought from Owl (possibly requiring the "One of Ours" and "Wealthy Client" achievements) after progressing far enough in the story (Getting to Pripyat and doing a mission or two).
  • One can be found in a stash in the cement factory in Jupiter, on the tower on the top of the main building (where the radio materials for Nitro are found).
  • Bonus item when ordering the Clear Sky armour from Nimble.
  • Can be purchased from Hawaiian after siding with Freedom in enough missions.
  • Compared to the earlier helmets, it is of superior quality in nearly every regard, though the Curtain helmet offers better protection from anomalies and the Sphere M12 helmet offers slightly better overall protection. This helmet is worn exclusively by Freedom and the Military. It is the standard issue helmet for Spetsnaz operators in the Zone and an integral component of the Berill-5M armoured suit, as well as Freedom veterans wearing the Guardian of Freedom suit.

    call of chernobyl misery

    Usually comes with a gas mask and first generation night vision by default. For protection, it uses multiple layers of Kevlar and hard armor to protect electronics. The Sphere-08 is a high quality Western-made helmet, designed to give the operator strategic superiority over the battlefield via scanners and satellite devices (however, they are usually not installed in helmets available in the Zone).

    Call of chernobyl misery